Foreign Market Advisory Services
ATLAS helps private sector clients identify and succeed in emerging markets by understanding and managing Host Nation opportunities. Doing business internationally and collaborating with diverse cultures, business practices and languages is a complex and often a intimidating experience for businesses. We provide services to companies in support of international trade and business development and a range of advisory services, to include host nation labor compliance. We also help governments and agencies improve their business environment, attract investment, promote / expand imports and exports and other services by facilitating dialogue between governments and the private sector.
Within numerous countries across all COCOM AORs, ATLAS can provide the accurate, up-to-date market intelligence that is essential for your company to target the best international market opportunities and make informed business decisions when evaluating potential overseas business partners. We will ensure you leverage our knowledge and resources by tapping into our vast network of experts, contacts and partners in scores of countries across the globe to gain world-class market intelligence that inform your business expansion decision-making process.
We can deliver customized market research to assess the potential of your product/ services in a given country and prepare a report according to your specific business needs. ATLAS can perform due diligence reports to investigate the capabilities, legitimacy and financial strength of a potential overseas business partner and provide useful information gleaned from government, industry and financial contacts, the local press and other sources.
For all key business transactions, ATLAS can provide bi-lingual bi cultural advisors (BBA) and certified translations of legal documents, meeting minutes and other critical correspondence.