w w w. a t l a s a d v i s o r s . u s
Call: 888.282.0873 ext. 703
atlasadvisors.us *** CLICK ANYWHERE TO DOWNLOAD A PDF ***atlasadvisors.us
ATLAS is a professional foreign language services provider with extensive experience recruiting, screening, deploying and sustaining mission-critical interpretation, translation and cultural advisory services throughout the world in support of US Government agencies, the DoD and private industry. ATLAS' most important organization strength is our highly-specialized workforce. We are committed to creating a challenging and supportive environment where employees are valued and personal development is encouraged. We are always looking for additional highly motivated, skilled and qualified personnel to join the ATLAS team.
We are currently hiring CANADIANS to work in Afghanistan who are Canadian citizens or have been a Canadian permanent resident for at least three years. Successful candidates must be able to speak both Pashtu and Dari. We offer a $10,000 referral fee for everyone that you refer to us that we hire.
If you or someone you know is interested please visit our web site at
www.atlasadvisors.us or call one of our recruiting specialists at 888.282.0873 ext. 703
901 ½ Oak Street Columbus, Ohio 43205 United States Phone: 888.282.0873 - Fax: 888.689.6857
Email: info@atlasadvisors.us - Website: www.atlasadvisors.us